
Letter from the publisher

Dear Writers & Readers,

To survive as a community, as an art form, as an industry, as a company…we have had to re-imagining our role as a publisher and how best to serve our community of artists and readers. We have structured and restructured over time as the industry changed shape and we are evolving again.

From 2016 – 2020, I had the opportunity to serve as a member of the Board of Directors for the largest trade association for publishers in the United States, the Independent Book Publisher’s Association. During my time there, one of the more controversial issues we took on at the time was the creation of Hybrid Publishing Houses and how to hold those publishers to the same standard we would expect from a traditional trade publisher. 

During my tenure, I represented Homebound Publications, which follows a traditional distribution format, and brought my experience of that model to the table. However, I was fortunate to learn the hybrid model from industry vanguards. The publishing industry has been turned on its head by supply-chain issues, a global paper shortage, hostile corporate retailers, indie bookstore closures during the pandemic, and the overall corporate consolidation of the industry—narrowing indie voices even further.

I have been involved in the hybrid discussion since my time with the board of the IBPA. In 2018, during my time with the Board, we drafted the first iteration of IBPA’s Hybrid Publisher Criteria, a list of nine criteria defining what it means to be a professional hybrid publisher. In 2022, the 9-point list of criteria was updated and expanded to an 11-point list via a process that included the current IBPA Board of Directors approvalcharting the way for us.

Hybrid publishing models (when done to standard) have always been about self-agency, self-advocacy, and going beyond the gatekeepers. I find this new option for publication is in alignment with the community of writers and readers I helped to found nearly fifteen years ago. 

Connor Wolfe, Founder & Publisher of Homebound Publications, Wayfarer Books & Outpost Press

learn more about us

Outpost Press (Hybrid-track)  Is our latest imprint offering a hybrid route for those authors who are willing to subsidize their own project to help shoulder the financial investment in the project, allowing us to take on the project that would otherwise be impossible due to lean budgets. Wayfarer Books’ Hybrid Track is operated as a PTO/POD model; we print through Ingram and have wholesale availability to the trade retailers (Amazon, B&N, Indie Bookstores, etc.) via Ingram. And, as with all our imprints, We offer our titles at the standard terms expected by retailers from the larger houses (45% – 55% Discount and Full Returnability). 

What is hybrid publishing and how is it different from traditional publishing?

In short, a publisher utilizing an author-subsidized business model rather than taking on the entire financial investment alone.

In a traditional publishing model, the author submits their manuscript, and if chosen by the circle of editors for publication, the author is extended a royalty contract (for between 7-10%), and the publisher takes on the financial investment alone. 

Following the hybrid track, an author submits their manuscript, it is reviewed by the circle of editors and, like with all submissions, we will determine if the book will suit our library, and if chosen for publication, we will extend a contract (for 25% royalties to the author) and the author pays the hybrid-track fee to help offset the investment for the book. 

Hybrid publishing companies operate similarly to traditional publishers in most ways, but they differ by employing an author-subsidized model for book production costs. In return, authors receive a greater-than-average share of sales proceeds, blending revenue from publishing services and book sales.

Although hybrid publishing companies are author-subsidized, they differ from other author-subsidized models (i.e., self-publishing service providers) in that hybrid publishers adhere—without exception—to IBPA’s Hybrid Publisher Criteria. Regardless of who pays for editorial, design, and production fees, it is always the publisher that bears responsibility for producing, distributing, and ultimately selling professional-quality books.

IBPA’s Hybrid Publisher 11-point Criteria

  1. Define a mission and vision for its publishing program.
  2. Vet submissions. 
  3. Commit to truth and transparency in business practices.
  4. Provide a negotiable, easy-to-understand contract for each book published.
  5. Publish under its own imprint(s) and ISBNs.
  6. Publish to industry standards
  7. Ensure editorial, design, and production quality.
  8. Pursue and manage a range of publishing rights.
  9. Provide distribution services.
  10. Demonstrate respectable sales.
  11. Pay authors a higher-than-standard royalty.

IBPA’s Hybrid Publisher Criteria points to functions that a reputable hybrid publisher is expected to perform. It’s up to each hybrid publishing company to figure out and explain, how it performs each function. An author-subsidized business model in no way relieves a publisher of its editorial, design, marketing, sales, and distribution responsibilities.

submit your work

Submitting your work doesn’t guarantee publication. As with the traditional track, there is still a review process to consider if the manuscript is right for our publishing house. Current submissions turnaround is 6-8 weeks. Please, no fiction.

Poetry (Hybrid Track) 

 All-inclusive Package $3600

(Sliding scale and installment plans available for authors with limited income.)

  • Professional  Custom cover design 
  • Custom interior design for up to 140 standard pages (if your poetry manuscript is over 140 pages, you will need to work with an editor to cut it down)
  • E-book file conversion and parallel distribution through retailers including Kindle, Nook, iTunes, etc.
  • Ongoing print management for the lifespan of your book
  • Management of title metadata for the lifespan of the book
  • Fulfilment of all orders on short-run printed books (author or customer pays shipping)
  • Proofreading of your final manuscript

  • Wholesale availability of your title to 40,000+ trade retailers (indie bookstores, Amazon, B&N, Bookshop.org, iTunes, etc.) through our distribution partner, Ingram, at the terms retailers expect. 

  • Guidance on getting your books into bookstores, libraries, and other trade outlets. 

  • Feedback on social media placement and platform building.

Nonfiction (Hybrid track)

All-inclusive Package $5000

(Sliding scale available for authors with limited income.)

  • Professional custom cover design 
  • Custom interior design for up to 70,000 words (if your manuscript is over 70k words, you will need to work with an editor to cut it down)
  • E-book file conversion and parallel distribution through retailers including Kindle, Nook, iTunes, etc.
  • Copyright filing with the Library of Congress
  • ISBNs under Wayfarer Books provided for all editions
  • Ongoing printing & title management for the lifespan of your book
  • Management of title metadata for the lifespan of the book
  • Fulfillment of all orders on short-run printed books (author or customer pays shipping)
  • Proofreading of your final manuscript

  • Wholesale availability of your title to 40,000+ trade retailers (indie bookstores, Amazon, B&N, Bookshop.org, iTunes, etc.) through our distribution partner, Ingram, at the terms retailers expect. 

  • Guidance on getting your books into bookstores, libraries, and other trade outlets

  • Feedback on social media placement and platform building.

Wayfarer Books is presently based in Abiquiu, New Mexico, on the ancestral lands of the Pueblo. We also acknowledge the genízaros—detribalized Indigenous people from various nations, many of whom were captured in conflicts or sold into servitude by the Spanish—for whom Abiquiu became a settlement.

Contact Info


Mailing Address: PO Box 1109, Abiquiu, NM 87510-1109

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